Aminet 19
Aminet 19 (1997)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Jun 1997].iso
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CNet Amiga BackUp, v3.51 README! File by Dotoran of Frontiers!
What is it?
This utility was written as a means of safeguarding CNet Amiga's more
volatile information files, like "bbs.udata", "bbs.sdata", etc, although it
has undergone numerous changes and has proven to be QUITE powerful!
System Requirements:
In order to use this program, you MUST have the following:
CNet Amiga, v4.26b or later.
(It WILL run on v3.05c, but NOT run on EARLIER 4.xx versions!)
Arexx, v1.14 or higher.
Arexx "rexxsupport.library".
LHA, v1.38 or higher. (MUST be Named LHA & be present SOMEWHERE
in your PATH, preferably in C:)
And these DOS commands located somewhere in your PATH, preferably C:
Copy Delete Filenote Format
MakeDir Protect Rename Sort
The following calls are made using the "rexxsupport.library":
If you are lacking any of the above files, then you will NOT be able to
use this program. None of these files are "out of the ordinary" which means
you should already have these programs and files if you are running CNet to
it's fullest potential.
When I say the files must be available in your "PATH", I'm referring them
to be located in one of the directories specified in one or more PATH state-
ments located in your "startup" files when your system boots up. Since it is
possible to have MULTIPLE path commands listed amongst these files, you can
type PATH, with no arguments from inside a CLI-Shell window to list ALL the
currently PATH'ed directories. Provided you see the directory that houses the
needed files above within this listing, you'll be all set. If, however, you
do NOT see one or more directories listed, then I suggest you COPY the files
INTO one of the directories you DO see listed. (Do NOT MOVE the files, just
in case some OTHER program is written to find them in the original location!)
This program has the potential to be VERY DANGEROUS if used by one who
does not know what they are doing, or one who shouldn't be using it anyways,
so please SAFEGUARD this program in a directory available only to YOU in your
DOORS: area, or better yet, don't add this file to your DOORS: at all...
Instead, add it as a SysOp Only Command which is only known to YOU and
those you trust. The old saying, "Out of sight, out of mind" is worth NOTING
(REMEMBERING) where this program is concerned!
It is also recommended that you NOT allow this file to be used REMOTELY,
as their ARE possibilities something unforseen may need your attention, like
running out of memory, etc. For this reason, I did NOT include any Loss of
Carrier checks in either routine. Perhaps if you come home someday to see
the port hanging, because someone used it remotely and lost carrier that you
will REMEMBER to NOT allow users to use this from remote.
OK, So How Do I Use It?
Well, to start with, you should have two Arexx files in this archive:
CNetAmigaBackUp/CNetBackUp - The SysOp Maint Module.
CNetAmigaBackUp/CNetBackUpA - The AutoMaint Module.
You should place the "CNetAmigaBackUp/" directory somewhere in your BBS.
I have mine in the "DOORS:" directory, but you can have yours wherever you
You should then add the "CNetBackUpA" file as an EVENT that will be RUN
every night. Settings might look like these:
Name: CNetBkUP Event Type: RunARexx
Port(s): 0
Execute Date: Tommorrow at 03:30 (Run at 3:30 AM)
Invoke: Immediate-UDump
Repeat Days: 1 (Run ONCE a day)
Repeat Hours: 0
Repeat Mins: 0
Valid Time: 01:00 (Between 3 and 4 AM)
Status: Ready
Unloaded Port: Ignore
Checks: Mark ALL SEVEN (Run EVERY Day)
Command: <path>CNetAmigaBackUp/CNetBackUpA
NOTE: Replace <path> with the location you decided to store the included
"CNetAmigaBackUp/" directory.
NOTE: This version currently does NOT allow for the AMaint module to create
a BackUp MORE than ONCE in a given day, however YOU can run backup as
often as you wish using the SysOp BackUp module. For this reason, you
should NOT attempt to create the above event to "hit" more often than
once a day. (If you do, nothing adverse will occur, but nothing will
be backed up each successive time it runs either).
You should now add the following command to the bottom of Menu # 1, your
Maintenance Menu:
CNB, CNet Backup | {#1<path>CNetAmigaBackUp/CNetBackUp}
^ `---------.
Control-Q |
Exclusive Use ARexx PFile
NOTE: Replace <path> with the location you decided to store the included
"CNetAmigaBackUp/" directory.
NOTE: Although it is also possible to launch this file from within a "Pfiles"
or "Doors" section of the bbs, it is HIGHLY recommended that you do
NOT do this. It's better that your users do NOT know that such a file
OK, Using CNetBackUp:
When you first run the "CNetBackUp" file, you'll see a little message
about the CONFIG file not being present. This is only temporary as it will
be created soon. Just press any key to enter the file.
On the MAIN Menu of the program, you'll see nine choices:
<E> Edit File Parameters
- Lets you modify several items of data which define how your BackUp
File will operate. (More on this in a bit)
<M> Modify File Lists
- Lets you modify the list of files that will be Backed Up when this
BackUp File is used. Each data item consists of both the PATH and
FILENAME of the file to be Backed Up. (v3.50 now allows for ONLY
a PATH to be specified, if you wished to back up ALL files contained
within that path. More on this below).
<A> Add a BackUp File
- Lets you add a NEW BackUp File to those that already exist. If this
is your first time using CNetBackUp, pressing either "E" or "M" above
will both have the same affect as this option.
<K> Kill a BackUp File
- Allows you to remove a BackUp File you will no longer be using.
<L> Log Viewer
- Allows you to view the "log" of one of the backup files. This log is
created whenever one of the backup files is used and will contain the
integrity test output from LHA as well as some info on WHEN the archive
was created and IF any MISSING files were present in the backup list.
- When AMaint processes a BackUp file, it will send the log to the SysOp
that holds account ID # 1 as a piece of email. (in v3.50, you can tell
the program to ONLY send the mail IF the archive failed it's testing!)
<C> Create Archive
- This command allows you to "on the fly" create an LHA archive that can
then be sent to a user on the bbs. You'll be asked for a filename and
location for the archive and will then be taken into the ADD FILES
routine(more on this below). When finished ADDING files, when you select
SAVE, you'll be asked for the ID, Handle or Real Name of a user on your
bbs. If you supply this info, provided it's valid, a piece of email
will be sent to this user with the newly created archive attached to
the mail. (In v3.50, this created archive is copied into that user's
mailbox BEFORE the mil is created. This way, you can use CNB to create
other archives without worrying that the first archive is being either
deleted or renamed!)
<F> Floppy Drives (DF0: DF1:, etc.)
- This program will allow you to FORMAT a floppy disk that may be used
as the DESTINATION for your BackUp file, but in order to do this, the
program needs to know WHICH & HOW MANY floppy drives your system has.
Pressing "F" will read the currently defined floppy drives for your
system. The program will NOT let you choose FORMAT unless your
designated DESTINATION is the same as one of the drives listed here.
<B> BackUp Files Now
- Will allow you to activate one of the BackUp Files, without having to
wait for the "CNetBackUpA" file to do it. You'll be asked which BackUp
File you wish to use, then the BackUp will begin. Upon completion, the
BackUp File START DATE will also be updated, so the "CNetBackUpA" file
doesn't repeat what you just did, until the interval has elapsed.
[Q] Quit CNet BackUp
- Does precisely that, no questions asked! (Pressing RETURN/ENTER will
also activate the QUIT function).
Some of the above menu items take you to other screens that contain even
MORE data items. These "extended" screens are described below:
Add/Edit File Parameters:
Both of these items use a similar screen, which contains the following:
File Extension
- This is an extension from 1 to 3 characters that will be used to name
the BackUp file. The format for a BackUp filename is:
- CNetBackUp.??? <--- Where the ??? is your chosen EXTENSION.
- This file is stored inside the "CNetAmigaBackUp/" directory.
- The extension "CFG" is reserved for the CNetBackUp CONFIG file.
- The extension "BAK" is reserved for the CNet Clone BackUp Set.
(More Information on creating the Clone BackUp Set below).
- The actual LHA'ed BackUp file will ALSO follow a similar format:
- CNetBackUp_???.LHA <--- Where ??? is your EXTENSION.
- Pressing ENTER/RETURN with nothing in the string gadget will use
"CNB" as the default extension.
BackUp Description
- This text is simply used as a description for this BackUp File. It is
only used by the program as a means of describing which File is being
used for any given action. No filenames are based on this name.
- Pressing ENTER/RETURN when empty here will use text of the format:
"BackUp File # ???" where ??? will be the next numbered file.
- This option is SKIPPED when dealing with Clone(BAK) BackUp Sets.
- This should be the location of a FIXED, EMPTY directory. By FIXED, I
mean this should be a directory which will never be deleted. By EMPTY,
I mean you should NEVER store any of your OTHER files in this directory,
as the BackUp program will DELETE all the contents of this directory
upon the completion of any BackUp task. There is a directory titled
"BackUp/" which resides INSIDE the "CNetAmigaBackUp/" directory that
I would recommend you use for the TEMP path, but the choice is yours!
It is NOT a good idea to use a directory in RAM:, as you may find you
do not have enough RAM to store all the files you wish to back up!
- If you press ENTER/RETURN in this string gadget when empty, and if the
"CNetAmigaBackUp/BackUp/" directory exists, it will be the default used.
- This option is SKIPPED when dealing with Clone(BAK) BackUp Sets.
- This is the location where the LHA packed BackUp file will be placed
after it has been created. It was suggested above that you place this
file on a FLOPPY disk, in the event you have a Hard Drive Crash, which
might take out your ENTIRE partition. This way, at least you'll have
your data on FLOPPY to help in your rebuilding!
- If you wish NOT to use a Floppy Disk for your BackUp storage location,
then I'd HIGHLY recommend you specify a directory that exists on a
different HARD DRIVE or a different PARTITION than the one you're using
to store your CNET: assigned directory. (It won't help much if you LOSE
your CNET: drive and your BACKUP was on there as well!)
- NOTE: For both the TEMP/WORK Path, and the DESTINATION Path, it is not
absolutely necessary to end each entry with a /. Your system will
be scanned to see if a directory by this name actually exists,
and if so, the "/" will be appended automatically, however if the
program cannot locate the stated path, you'll be told this! If,
however, you'll be using an ASSIGN that ENDS with a COLON, you
MUST supply the COLON or the program will attempt to locate a
file by this name.
- Pressing ENTER/RETURN when the gadget is empty will use the first drive
found on your system(as shown in the Floppy Drives section on the Main
Interval in Days
- This is the number of days between individual BackUps of data housed
within this file. Set to "1" and this data will be Backed Up every
night. Set to "7" and the data is Backed Up every week, etc.
- The value of "1" will be used if ENTER/RETURN is pressed when the string
gadget is empty.
- Note that this version does NOT have the ability to create BackUps MORE
often than ONCE a day. If you feel the file SHOULD have this ability,
please drop me a line and I'll add it in.
LHA Pack Priority
- This option is SKIPPED when dealing with Clone(BAK) BackUp Sets.
- *NEW* to 3.50. You can now specify the PRIORITY you'd like LHA to use
while it's creating and/or testing it's archives. Values can be between
-5 and 5 inclusive. LHA has a unique parameter switch which allows for
this priority value to be specified.
- A setting of "0" will make CNet Backup perform as it did previously,
and will be the default value used if this gadget is left empty.
- Values LESS than zero will tell LHA to only use resources that are NOT
being used directly by other processes. The -5 extreme may result in
the creation of archives at a very SLOW rate, as unless your system is
NOT doing anything else, LHA will literally HALT what it's doing until
such a time as some resources free up. (I suggest using a value of -1
for this value. Perhaps -2 if run on multi-line systems).
- Values GREATER than zero give LHA priority over other tasks INCLUDING
CNet Ports. Using the extreme value of 5 will cause MOST other tasks
to literally HALT what they are doing, until LHA has finished what it's
doing. You might want to use a value of 1 or 2 if you HAVE to create
a BackUp during a "peak" time, as this will allow LHA the extra cpu
resources it needs to complete it's tasks in as little time as possible,
while at the same time not COMPLETELY hampering what users on your
system might be doing at the same time.
Use FAST Display
- This option is SKIPPED when dealing with Clone(BAK) BackUp Sets.
- *NEW* to 3.50. By enabling "FAST" displays, LHA will use only one line
for it's on-screen displays, instead of listing one file per line,
which can drastically slow down the time it takes to create an archive.
- FAST displays are ENABLED by default.
- FAST displays are NOT used when TESTING archives, because the text is
suppressed. (The test text is needed in the creation of the logs).
Do NO Compression
- This option is SKIPPED when dealing with Clone(BAK) BackUp Sets.
- *NEW* to 3.50. If set to YES, CNet BackUp will do the following:
- The initial archive will be created by simply STORING the files
contained in your backup set, but WITHOUT data compression.
- Once the archive has been created, the archive ITSELF is then
PACKED into an archive of it's own. This NEW archive then becomes
your BackUp archive.
- WHY bother doing this? If what you are backing up is numerous small
files, or text files, oftentimes doing the above results in much
SMALLER archives overall. (I created a backup file of ALL files
contained in my SysText: directory. With this option disabled, the
resultant backup archive was 85,476 bytes long. Creating the archive
again, but with this option ENABLED, the resultant archive came in
at 64,642 bytes. A savings of over 20K!)
Create Directories
- This option is SKIPPED when dealing with Clone(BAK) BackUp Sets.
- This is a NEW feature to v3.00. In previous versions of this program,
a directory structure was created in the TEMP path and the files to be
backed up were COPIED into these directories. Once all directories had
been created and all files had been copied, the LHA archiver was then
activated to archive the TEMP directory.
- If you specify NO to this option, the separate directory structure will
NOT be created, NOR will the files be COPIED into the TEMP folder.
Instead, the paths and filenames of the original locations will be used
to archive the files directly from their point of origin. This option
can DRAMATICALLY speed up a BackUp operation.
Arc to Destination
- This option is SKIPPED when dealing with Clone(BAK) BackUp Sets.
- Another NEW 3.00 option is the ability to have the archive CREATED
directly in the Destination path, instead of first being created in
the TEMP path, then COPIED over to the Destination path. If you're
sure the resultant archive won't be too big to fit in the destination
path(ie, if that happens to be a floppy disk), then specifying YES to
this option will squeak a bit more speed from the program.
Format Dest Path
- This option is SKIPPED when dealing with Clone(BAK) BackUp Sets.
- Provided you defined your DESTINATION PATH above as a FLOPPY DRIVE,
you can have the "CNetBackUp" program FORMAT the Floppy Drive BEFORE
the packed file is copied to it. This allows you to make sure the
disk has enough room in which to store the BackUp.
- If you specify YES, you'll then additionally be asked if you wish the
disk to be FULLY formatted or QUICK formatted. The QUICK format will
only be successfull on a disk that has been previously formatted.
- Pressing ENTER/RETURN here will NOT format the disk.
On the "Edit File Parameters" screen, on the top line, you'll be shown both
the FILENAME of the Config File, as well as the date the AMAINT Module last
backed this file up.
Last BackUp Date
- Only found on the EDIT screen, this allows you to CHANGE when the "A"
module will next backup your info.
- If you want to make it backup today, first note the number of interval
days, then change this date so that it's that number of days into the
past. This file will be used to perform a backup today during AMAINT.
Mail On Fails Only
- This option is SKIPPED when dealing with Clone(BAK) BackUp Sets.
- *NEW* to 3.50. If set to NO, you'll receive an email message whenever
CNet BackUp's AutoMaintenance performs a backup, however if set to YES,
then CNB will check the status of the Integrity Test itself and will
ONLY send you email if the archive FAILS the Integrity Testing.
- When using the SysOp CNetBackUp file to "BackUp Files Now", if this
setting is set to YES, you'll only be shown the LOG if the archive
fails it's integrity testing. If set to NO, you'll ALWAYS be shown the
log file.
Edit File Contents:
This is the screen where you define WHICH files and at WHICH paths you
wish to be Backed Up using this BackUp File. The screen is formatted to only
allow 15 items to be shown at one time. A "bar" menu at the bottom of the
screen will show you the available commands:
- Allows you to ADD files to the list. This routine is quite powerful in
itself, because files can be added in numerous ways:
- You can press RETURN to scan ALL files located in your CNET: Root
directory path, pressing "Y" to Add, "N" to Skip, "A" for ALL FILES,
or "Q" to Quit.
- The new "L" for Last command will ADD the currently selected item,
then QUIT the add process(like pressing Y followed by Q).
- You can specify the entire string, like "sysdata:bbs.udata"
- You can specify just the directory, like "sysdata:"
- You'll be told the entered path is a DIRECTORY, and will be
asked if you wish the path itself to be added to the BackUp
Set. If you state NO, then...
- ALL Files within "sysdata:" will be scanned. Each will be
shown one at a time. You can select YES to ADD that file,
NO to SKIP that file, ALL to ADD ALL FILES in this directory
AFTER the last file presented to you, LAST to ADD this file
and quit, or QUIT to END the ADDING procedure.
- You can use the "*" WILD CARD Character in three ways:
- like this: "sysdata:bbs.*"
- ALL Files within "sysdata:" STARTING with "bbs.", like:
bbs.udata, bbs.ukeys3, bbs.cuser, bbs.sam, etc....
- like this: "sysdata:*data"
- ALL Files within "sysdata:" ENDING with "data", like:
bbs.udata, bbs.idata, bbs.sdata, bbs.adata, etc....
- like this: "systext:menu/*se*"
- ALL Files within "systext:menu/" CONTAINING "se", like:
base, base0, browse, udbase, udbase0, vised, etc....
- When adding files to a ".BAK" Clone BackUp Set, you will NOT be
able to specify files ENDING in ".bak". When using wildcards, any
files ending in ".bak" will NOT be shown to you.
- Allows you to REMOVE (Kill) item(s) from the list. CNet PARSING is
allowed at this prompt. In other words, 1-3,7,14- would kill these:
1 - 3 & 7 & 14 - thru the end of the list.
- After specifying WHICH item(s) to Edit, you'll be given a basic CNet
string gadget containing the original path/filename data.
- NOTE: For ALL String Gadgets in this program, the CONTROL Key can be
used in combination with other keys for added power:
CTRL-X: Erases entire string.
CTRL-B: Goes to Beginning of string.
CTRL-N: Goes to the End of the string, etc...
BACKSPACE: Erases character to LEFT of cursor, then moves cursor
into that position.
DELETE: Deletes character UNDER the cursor, then moves all
characters to the RIGHT of the cursor ONE SPACE to the
left. The cursor stays where it is.
- When editing files, the procedure will only work if the NEW file you
enter ALSO exists at the given path. There are two reasons you might
want to edit a file:
- To change to the name of some OTHER file, like:
systext:menu/main changed to: systext:menu/udbase
- To change to the FULL PATH of the given file, like:
systext:menu/main changed to: cnet:systext/menu/main
- If you modify a list entry which results in a PATH specification,
you'll be asked if you wish to add the FULL path to the list, just
as if you had added it initially.
- CNet PARSING is also allowed at this prompt. You'll be asked to edit
each one in sequence. Simply press ENTER/RETURN to leave a file as it
is, and go on to the next one.
- When editing items in a Clone Backup Set, changing the filename to one
that ends in ".bak" will NOT be allowed, and you'll be told this.
- *NEW* in 3.50. Clone asks you to specify a number of an existing file
on the list. It then presents you with an edit text gadget that uses
the path/filename you specified as it's default. This can come in real
handy if there are numerous files that all exist in the same directory
path, as now all you have to do is delete the file NAME and type the
new name.
- If you specify the SAME name as that which you specified initially, or
if you change the nme to a name that already exists on the list, you'll
be told this.
- If you edit a name which results in the specification of a directory,
you'll be asked if you wish the FULL path to be added to the list. For
example, is you specify you wish to clone "systext:noises" and you then
edit the text to "systext:", you'll be asked if you wish the "SysText:"
path itself to be added to the list.
- When cloning items in a Clone Backup Set, changing the filename to one
that ends in ".bak" will NOT be allowed, and you'll be told this.
<N>ext 15
- Will display the NEXT group of 15 items.
<P>ast 15
- Will display the PAST group of 15 items.
- Will SAVE the data, then Quit to the Main Menu.
- When using the "Create Archive" command off the Main Menu, using this
command is quicker than saying you wish to QUIT, followed by SAVING
the contents of the filelist.
- Will prompt you to SAVE DATA if it has been changed, then
will directly QUIT back to the Main Menu. Pressing ENTER/RETURN
will also activate the Quit command here as well as the Main Menu.
Using a Clone BackUp (.BAK)
When adding a new BackUp Set, if you specify BAK for the extension,
you'll be asked for the text description and interval days, while all other
fields will automatically be filled in for you.
A "CLONE" BackUp differs from a standard backup, because an LHA archive
is NOT created in this instance. Instead, the files located in the BAK File
List are CLONED, or copied, into the same directory the original file is
located. This cloned file will END in a ".bak" extension. Any attached file
comment will be retained in the cloned file, as will all attributes. The
timestamp will be updated to reflect the date/time the file was "cloned".
A log file is NOT created for a CLONE BackUp, however if AMaint processes
a Clone BackUp, any MISSING files will be listed in a separate EMail message
that will be sent to SysOp ID # 1.
Included in the archive is a File List titled "CNetBackUp.BAK". You can
use this file as a starter for your own Clone BackUp. Simply create a BAK
BackUp Set, then when taken into the Add Files section, this file will be
automatically read into the computer.
Backing Up CNet:
The following paragraphs will use this BackUp File example:
"CNetBackUp.DLY" BackUp File Parameters
=============================== ============================
cnet:bbstext Extension : DLY
cnet:bbsmenu Description : Daily BackUp
gfiles:sysops/Arexx_Commands Temp/Work : CNetAmigaBackUp/BackUp/
sysdata:bbs.udata Destination : df1:
sysdata:bbs.adata Interval : 1
systext:sys.start Priority : 2
systext:sys.welcome FAST Display: Yes
systext:menu/main2 NO Compress : No
systext:menu/editor2 Create Dirs : Yes
=============================== Arc to Dest : No
Format Dest : No
Mail Fails : Yes
Using the above data, "CNetBackUpA" would do the following:
- Read names of each BackUp File on record, noting those whose intervals
have expired.
- UpDate the BackUp Date of each BackUp File on record.
- If this file was noted above(which we'll say was), then do the following:
- If a previous BackUp file by this name exists in the DESTINATION PATH,
then UNPROTECT and DELETE it from the DESTINATION directory.
- Create a "cnet" directory inside the "CNetAmigaBackUp/BackUp/" directory.
- Copy the "bbstext" file into the "CNetAmigaBackUp/BackUp/cnet/" directory.
- Create a "gfiles" directory inside the "CNetAmigaBackUp/BackUp/" directory.
- Create a "sysops" directory inside the "CNetAmigaBackUp/BackUp/gfiles/" directory.
- Copy "Arexx_Commands" file into the "CNetAmigaBackUp/BackUp/gfiles/sysops/" directory.
- Create a "sysdata" directory inside the "CNetAmigaBackUp/BackUp/" directory.
- Copy the "bbs.udata" file into the "CNetAmigaBackUp/BackUp/sysdata/" directory.
- Copy the "bbs.adata" file into the "CNetAmigaBackUp/BackUp/sysdata/" directory.
- Create a "systext" directory inside the "CNetAmigaBackUp/BackUp/" directory.
- Copy the "sys.start" file into the "CNetAmigaBackUp/BackUp/systext/" directory.
- Copy the "sys.welcome" file into the "CNetAmigaBackUp/BackUp/systext/" directory.
- Create a "menu" directory inside the "CNetAmigaBackUp/BackUp/systext/" directory.
- Copy the "main2" file into the "CNetAmigaBackUp/BackUp/systext/menu/" directory.
- Copy the "editor2" file into the "CNetAmigaBackUp/BackUp/systext/menu/" directory.
- If enabled, FORMAT the DESTINATION directory appropriately.
- Using LHA, pack the contents of the "CNetAmigaBackUp/BackUp/" directory,
using it's FAST display mode at a Priority of 2, compressing ALL files.
- Copy the "CNetBackUp_DLY.LHA" file to the "DF1:" drive.
- Create a COMMENT for the LHA file listing the date & time of creation.
- PROTECT this file from WRITEOVERS and DELETIONS, using Attributes.
- Delete the contents of the "CNetAmigaBackUp/BackUp/" directory.
- Create a log of the LHA testing of the "CNetBackUp#?" file just created
using the filename of the archive, minus the .LHA.
- If the archive FAILED it's integrity test, then send SysOp ID # 1 the
log file through email.
- Completed!
As you can see, quite a lot has gone on. Here's a file tree to show you how
the data was stored in the "CNetAmigaBackUp/BackUp/" directory:
³ ÃÄÄbbstext
³ ÀÄÄbbsmenu
³ ÀÄÄsysops
³ ÀÄÄArexx_Commands
³ ÃÄÄbbs.udata
³ ÀÄÄbbs.adata
As you can see, the format looks SIMILAR to, but not EXACTLY the way the
same files appeared within the actual CNET: directory. If your intent is to
create the output in CNET format, the BackUp File would need to undergo some
slight changes. Here's how it, and the resultant tree would look:
"CNetBackUp.DLY" CNetAmigaBackUp
================================== ÀÄÄBackUp
cnet:bbstext ÀÄÄcnet
cnet:bbsmenu ÃÄÄbbstext
cnet:gfiles/sysops/Arexx_Commands ÃÄÄbbsmenu
cnet:sysdata/bbs.udata ÃÄÄgfiles
cnet:sysdata/bbs.adata ³ ÀÄÄsysops
cnet:systext/sys.start ³ ÀÄÄArexx_Commands
cnet:systext/sys.welcome ÃÄÄsysdata
cnet:systext/menu/main2 ³ ÃÄÄbbs.udata
cnet:systext/menu/editor2 ³ ÀÄÄbbs.adata
================================== ÀÄÄsystext
Notice the difference? Full paths starting with "cnet:" are used to get
a true CNet output, so why bother with the initial way in the first place?
Well, for my own purposes, there are times I may only wish to BackUp the
contents of say, a particular GFILE directory or PFILE directory, in which
case the full CNET path structure would not be needed. It's totally up to
YOU how you wish to structure your output BackUp files!
A moment of time to discuss the usage of PATHS in your BackUp Sets. I
ran numerous tests with LHA and PATHS and noticed that the FIRST level of
path structure is LOST inside the created archives. For instance, taking
the following for example:
1> lha -arex2D2P0 a temp:test.lha devs: systext:
The above LHA command is one that may be interpreted by CNet BackUp. This
archive, if listed using "lha l temp:test.lha", would list a single list of
ALL files contained in BOTH the DEVS: and SYSTEXT: directories, however the
actual PATH "devs/" and "systext/" are NOT being stored in the archive.
Problems can arise if a file by the same name appears in one or more
directories specified in your BackUp set, as in these instances, only the
FIRST file found will be archived, while all other files using the same name
will be skipped, because it will be seen that the file already exists in the
To fix the above mentioned problem, it will be necessary to specify a
more QUALIFIED path designation in your BackUp Sets. For instance, the above
command line could be rewritten like this:
1> lha -arex2D2P0 a temp:test.lha sys:devs/ cnet:systext/
Using the above, it will be the "sys:" and "cnet:" path portions which
will be dropped, while creating an archive that contains two directories:
"devs/" and "systext/" which contain ALL files.
I hope I've explained the above in enough detail to be fully understood.
A rule of thumb you may want to follow when specifying paths in your BackUp
Sets is to make sure each FULL PATH you specify contains a COLON and at LEAST
one slash(/). CNet BackUp will also recurse into any subdirectories which may
exist in your stated path. For example:
1> lha -arex2D2P0 a temp:test.lha sys:devs/
- An LHA archive containing a "devs/" directory, with internal sub-
directories for "datatypes/", "dosdrivers/", "keymaps/", "monitors/",
"networks/", "printers/", etc. would be created, but NO "sys/" path
will be present in the archive.
1> lha -arex2D2P0 a temp:test.lha dh0:cnet/
- An LHA archive containing a "cnet/" directory, with internal sub-
directories for "mail/", "base0/", "systext/", "sysdata/", etc, but
NO "dh0/" path will be present in the archive.
1> lha -arex2D2P0 a temp:test.lha cnet:mail/
- This LHA archive would contain a "mail/" directory, with internal
subdirectories for "inbound/", "outbound/", "nodelist/", "users/",
etc., however NO "cnet/" directory will be present in the archive.
Tricks & Tips:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (1)
First, a tip on WHAT to BackUp. You don't want to BackUp EVERYTHING in
your CNET: directory, only those files that would be HARD to replace.
Files you WOULDN'T want to include might be:
- Any "C" format CNet Command files, like "bbs", "load", etc.
(These files are located on your CNet Disk Anyways)
- Any UPLOADED files in your udbase partitions.
(Face it, here's the BIGGEST HD User on your System. If
worse comes to worse, let your USERS refill this area)
- Any COMMAND files used for PFILES. By this I mean, don't bother
Backing up the actual programs, but you might want to back up the
prospective "Players/" directories, etc.
- Lastly, don't bother with any files you KNOW you can pick up from
another source without any trouble, like utilities, pfiles, etc.
Files you WOULD want to BackUp would be:
- ANY files dealing with USER DATA. This could be from CNet itself,
like the "bbs." files in SysData: to the "Players/" directories in
your favorite PFILE games directories, etc.
- ANY files initially created the first time you set CNet up. This
would be things like "bbs.adata", the file that holds the Access
Group Data, "bbs.avalid", the auto-validation file, "bbsevents",
the event scheduler data file, etc.
- Your "bbstext" and "bbsmenu" files, which almost EVERY SysOp has
modified in ONE way or another!
- ANY custom screens, menus, or other text files. These could be
anything from ".start", ".end" files, "SysText:Menu/" files,
or "SysText:New/" new user question/sysop question files, etc.
If you'll be using multiple BackUp files, create them in descending
interval order, then enable formatting on the highest interval file. Here's
what I mean:
You have three files: MONTHLY, WEEKLY, and DAILY.
In the course of one week, 8 files will have been saved to the floppy.
(7 DAILY's and 1 WEEKLY)
In the course of two weeks, 16 files, three weeks, 24 files. When
the end of the month rolls around, 33 write operations will have occurred
on the floppy. By ReFormatting the disk every month, the bit map blocks
can be restarted, so you won't run into fragmented memory errors later!
It's a good idea to keep a couple copies of the same file stored in
different locations in case one gets corrupted.
You could create two copies of the same BackUp File, only change the
DESTINATION of each. You could then offset them by a week. This way, file 1
would be created the first week in location A, then file 2 would be created
a week later and stored in location B, then back to file 1 at the end of
the third week and so on.
The reason I'm mentioning this is that there were a couple times I can
remember QB'ing my Hard Drive(which takes anywhere from 4 to 6 hours), only
to have the day come when I NEED those QB'ed files, but they were corrupted!
Also included within this archive is a file called "CNetBackUp.EXA".
This is an EXAMPLE BackUp File you may wish to use to initially get started
with using this program. To use this file, ADD a BackUp File and enter this
Extension : EXA
Description : Example BackUp
Temp/Work : <path>CNetAmigaBackUp/BackUp/
Destination : DF1:
Interval : 7
Priority : 0
FAST Display: Yes
No Compress : No
Create Dirs : No
Arc to Dest : No
Format Dest : No
Mail Fails : Yes
Now, when using the "M" command, you'll be shown the data in this file.
You can choose to KILL, ADD, or EDIT any of the file/paths within this file
to make it work on your system. Furthermore, using the "E" command from the
Main Menu will allow you to change the above data as well. This example file
contains the paths to most of the REALLY important CNet Data Files. It was
included in the hope that it will make it that much easier to get this file
up and running on your systems.
There's also another file, "CNetBackUp.1ST", which contains only four
small files. You could choose to add this file if you wanted to see what
happens when you choose the "BackUp CNet Now" option. Use "1ST" as the
extension and use the same info as shown above for the rest of the info.
This last section is simply a listing of files contained within a CNet
Bulletin Board System, as well as a description of WHAT the file does, or
is used for. You can then use this info in determining how OFTEN you'd like
the data contained within these files backed up:
In the CNET: path...
!bbsmenu_stock - Unchanged original bbsmenu file.
!bbstext_stock - Unchanged original bbstext file.
bbsconfig.def - Default "empty" config settings file.
bbsconfig4 - Contains data editable via the CNet CONFIG executable.
bbscontrol3 - Contains data editable via the Control Panel & Menus.
bbsechos4 - Contains the FTN Network data editable by CONFIG.
bbslicense - Your PROOF you OWN a legitimate copy of CNet Amiga.
bbsmenu - Text file listing ALL available COMMANDS in CNet Amiga.
bbsnodes - Lists Net Address Info, like Zones, Regions, Points, etc.
bbsport1 - Lists Modem Information, editable in CNet CONFIG's Modems.
bbsroom0 - Default data for Conferences Lobby room.
bbsroutes - Electronic EMail Routing Info(from FTN Networks in CONFIG)
bbstext - Text file listing 99% of all TEXT displayed within CNet.
In the SysData: path...
bbs.adata - Contains your Access Group Definition Data. (EG)
bbs.sam - Contains the System Activity Monitor data. (AM)
bbs.sdata - Contains total calls, total users, total accounts, and
the next available serial number to use for NEW users.
bbs.tnhost - Contains CtelNet Node information.
bbs.udata - User Data File (All info editable via the EA command)
bbs.uind1 - User Handle Index (for quick lookups). (POINTERS)
bbs.uind2 - User Phone Index (also for quick lookups). (POINTERS)
bbs.ukeys4 - Contains Handles, Real Names & MailBox Names.
passwords - Holds encrypted Password data. (Use SetPass to create)
subboards4 - Contains data on ALL subboards(message bases, file bases,
text and door areas, etc.)
In the SysText: path...
badnames - Do NOT allow handles containing these texts...
badnumbers - Do NOT allow phone numbers containing these patterns...
noises - The <actions> used in Conference (JOIN).
sys.avalid - Your Auto Validation parameters for NEW user signups.
sys.conf - The intro displayed when a user enters Conference(JOIN).
sys.countries - Info displayed when a user edits the COUNTRY they live in.
sys.end - Text displayed when a user logs off the bbs(when NOT !).
sys.info - Text displayed when the user uses the INFO command.
sys.private - If NO NEW USERS is checked in Control Panel, this file is
displayed to anyone who types NEW when logging on.
sys.start - Text displayed by default when a user logs on.
sys.welcome - Text displayed AFTER user makes a successful logon.
tt0.start - Text displayed to Ascii users upon logging on.
tt1.start - Text displayed to Amiga Ansi users upon logging on.
tt2.start - Text displayed to IBM Ansi users upon logging on.
tt3.start - Text displayed to C64 users upon logging on.
tt4.start - Text displayed to Sky Pix users upon logging on.
yankend - When a NonQWK type YANK is specified, this file is added
to the BOTTOM of the yank text file.
yankstart - When a NonQWK type YANK is specified, this file is added
to the BEGINNING of the yank text file.
In the Mail: path...
CNETINBOX - Holds the NEW local email NOT yet processed by mail-task.
CNETOUTBOX - Holds the NEW network email NOT yet exported by toss.
In a Mail:Users/???/ path...
FOLDERS - Contains subfolders holding user's email messages.
_buser3 - Contains JOIN/DROP status this user chose for SubBoards.
_dict - The user's custom Dictionary file.
_sig0 - Default Signature File to use when others are absent.
_sig3 - FidoNet Signature when HANDLES are required.
_sig4 - FidoNet Signature when REAL NAMES are required.
In a Mail:Users/???/FOLDERS/ path...
INBOX - Contains NEW mail this user hasn't yet seen
SENTMAIL - Copies of mail sent by this user if Copy-Self was ON.
TRASHCAN - Contains messages KILLED from other folders.
_plan - General "Finger" answers viewable by ALL users(FI).
_plan_sq - SysOp-Only "Finger" answers. SysOps get these AFTER the
above answers when using FI as well.
In the CNET:Configs/ path...
events.cfg - Contains Event Data created using the CNet CRON program.
Mail-Task.cfg - Contains data entered via the Mail-Task's GUI Menus.
In a Base?:MessageBase/data/ path...
_Free - Contains pointers to free address bytes in other files.
_Headers3 - Contains titles, authors, dates of creation of messages.
_Items3 - Contains other header info displayed when reading POSTS.
_Message3 - Contains link info on locations within _Text file.
_Text - Contains TEXT of messages created as POSTS and RESPONSES.
In a Base?:FileBase/data/ path..
sys.entry - Text displayed when ENTERING the base(If help~SuperUser)
sys.exit - Text displayed when EXITING the base(If help~SuperUser)
_Free - Contains pointers to free address bytes in other files.
_Headers3 - Contains filenames, uploaders, dates of upload, etc.
_Items3 - Contains other header info(# of DL's, Best CPS, etc.)
_Message3 - Contains link info on locations into the next 2 files.
_Short - Contains the TEXT used for SHORT DESCRIPTIONS of files.
_Text - Contains the TEXT used for LONG DESCRIPTIONS of files.
That's It! & Other Stuff!
Well, that's all there is, there ain't no more! Hehe. Actually, if you
notice any quirks, bugs, etc, please call my board immediately. If there's
a feature missing, let me know that too!
Lastly, this program was NOT intended as an alternative to QuarterBack,
or some other well known backup program. It is still a VERY WISE idea to
use one of these "full blown" programs once every month or so, maybe even
more often, if you have a very active system. This program was written in
the event you DID have a HD failure. Using these BackUp files, it should be
only a matter of minutes before you can get your system back up and running.
This will give you the added time to get ahold of the pfiles, gfiles, bases,
etc. that you may have also lost, either from a QB set, or the neighborhood
bbs', etc, without having to worry about colorization, user data files,
custom screens, etc...
- Dotoran
Written by: Dotoran of Frontiers BBS (716)/823-9892